Nationwide Recovery Services, Inc.
PO Box 51
Kingston, NH 03848
Phone 800.952.6376
Phone 603.642.6158
Fax 603.642.5896
Nationwide Recovery Services, Inc. Services
Nationwide Recovery Services is a full service repossession company that offers you the very best services at reasonable rates.
A Massachusetts based Corporation, Nationwide Recovery Services, has offices and secured storage facilities in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. Our service areas are the entire states of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maine, with portions of Vermont as well. We can arrange for recoveries nationwide through out affiliation and associations network.
We have a full time office staff and provide in-house skip tracing by some of the best skip tracers in the Northeastern Region. Our office hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. Our staff can be reached twenty four hours a day to provide any assistance needed.
We carry $1,000,000.00 per incident insurance coverage with RSIG, with a $7,500,000.00 aggregate. Our policies have the broadest coverage and hightest limits of any insurance policy offered to the repossession industry. We maintain an additional $1,000,000.00 bond with American Recovery Association, National Finance Adjusters, and Time Finance Adjusters.
Nationwide is committed. Nationwide is dedicated. Nationwide would like to have you select us as your regular recovery agency when you have an assignment in Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, or Rhode Island. We offer you bonded, insured, experienced and complete repossession services.
Thank you for considering Nationwide Recovery Services Inc. as your go to agency for recovery and repossessions in the Northeast. We look forward to serving you soon!